The Law of Sowing and Reaping!

Galatians 6:7, Genesis 26: 12

Life is filled with choices, choices that affect us on an everyday basis in everything we do which means our everyday choices are not without significance. Our choices affect us and others in dramatic ways whether we see it immediately or not. While earth remains, no man will mock God by changing for even one time these laws of the harvest.

Ephesians 5:15-18. Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, 16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil. 17 So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipa­tion, but be filled with the Spirit.

The Principle

  1. The law is for everyone. Irrespective of your faith. It is the law of God to all mankind. (Seedtime and harvest shall ever cease. (Genesis 8:22)
  2. We reap what we sow
  3. We reap more than what we sow – Matthew 13.
  4. We reap later than we sow –  the seeds have to grow and bear fruits. The time of growth requires patience.

“For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” What a comforting and assuring thought to those who faithfully labor under difficult circumstances. Faithfulness in such situations will produce a rich harvest in the future, for our heavenly Father always keeps His promises.

Principle: Since everything reproduces after its kind, God can never be mocked. Just as no one can sow peas and produce watermelon, or breed donkeys and produce thoroughbred horses, so no one can sow evil and produce good. We cannot sow discord and produce unity. We cannot sow lies and produce truth. We cannot sow sin and produce holiness.

Isaiah 30:23

Then He will give you rain for the seed which you will sow in the ground, and bread from the yield of the ground, and it will be rich and plenteous; on that day your livestock will graze in a roomy pasture.

Isaiah 62:8-9

The LORD has sworn by His right hand and by His strong arm, “I will never again give your grain as food for your enemies; Nor will foreigners drink your new wine for which you have labored.” But those who garner it will eat it and praise the LORD, And those who gather it will drink it in the courts of My sanctuary.

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